Freenet - how not to Publish a Freesite
Hello! You're probably wondering why I called this document what
I called it. The reason is simple: in my experiences with Freenet,
I learned a vast deal about what does not work. Many of the
actions that seemed simple, straightforward or intuitive to me turned out
not to work the way I expected them to. As a result, publishing
a relatively simple Freesite took me 5 days.
I hope that I can share my experiences with others who might think
like I do. If I can help just one person avoid the frustration that I
experienced, then this document is worth the time it took to write.
Of course, a document that contains only DO NOTs isn't very
useful -- so in addition to telling you what not to do, this
guide also tells you some of the things you should do.
Generating a keypair
- DO NOT generate a keypair by running freenet_insert
SVK@ /dev/null. I tried it. It almost works -- a keypair is
created, but the resulting private key is much shorter(!) than the private
key you get when you run the proper keypair generation command.
- DO generate a keypair with freenet_insert
- DO write down both your public and private keys.
Creating your site
- DO NOT use symbolic links! I tried it. It doesn't work.
- DO make full copies of the files in question, instead of using
symbolic links. Yes, this means you may have 3 copies of your large data
files floating around -- one in the normal place, one in your Freesite
directory, and one in your Freenet datastore. I can see no way around this.
- DO use index.html as your index page. This simple
fact was not documented anywhere obvious; fortunately, I guessed correctly
on this point the first time around. I don't know whether any other filenames
may be used as index pages, since I didn't try any others.
Creating your DBR
A DBR is a Date-Based Redirect. The Freenet client programs contain
special built-in knowledge of how to handle this -- at 00:00 UTC every
day, the client will automatically "roll over" to the next
day's keys.
- DO NOT create your DBR in the past. I tried it; I'm not sure
whether it works, because the results of this experiment were drowned by all
the other errors I encountered. -past 1 looks nice, but
I don't believe it can be used to any beneficial effect here.
- DO create your DBR by running freenet_insert -htl 45
-createUpdate yes freenet:SSK@PRIVATE/SITE_NAME where
PRIVATE is your private key from above, and SITE_NAME
is a string which identifies your Freesite. You can use almost any
SITE_NAME you want; I don't know what restrictions there are on
the characters used here, but lower-case letters and underscores are
definitely allowed, and slashes (/) are almost certainly a bad
Inserting your site
This is the hard part!
- DO use date -u to see what time it really is.
- DO NOT expect to see your Freesite today. You won't be able to
see it until 00:00 UTC. If it's currently 22:00 UTC, you'll see it in
2 hours. If it's currently 01:30 UTC, you get to wait 22.5 hours.
- DO NOT insert your site with -future 0 in an
attempt to force the insert to happen "today". I tried it. It
does not work.
- DO NOT omit the -future 1 parameter altogether
in an attempt to force the insert to happen "today". It tried
it. It does not work.
- DO get used to the fact that you can't see your site until
00:00 UTC. Really. There's no way to rush it.
- DO NOT insert your site with -fromDir SITE_NAME
where SITE_NAME is the subdirectory containing your site. I tried
it. If you do this, your site's URI will be
freenet:MSK@SSK@PUBLIC/SITE_NAME//SITE_NAME/index.html which is
probably not what you want.
- DO change directory into the place where your index.html
file lives.
- DO run the command java relentless.gj.cli.PutFiles
-simRequests 5 -htl 45 -future 1 -mskURIValue freenet:SSK@PRIVATE/SITE_NAME
-fromDir .
- PRIVATE is your private key from above
- SITE_NAME is the string identifying your Freesite (it must
match what you used when you created your DBR)
- . (dot) is the current working directory.
- DO NOT use your public key when inserting your site. I didn't
try this. I may be a bit slow, but I'm not that dumb. ;-)
- DO wait until 00:00 UTC before you do anything else.
Maintaining your site
- DO know what time zone you're in. I'm in US/Eastern, which is
also called EST5EDT. This means I suffer Daylight Savings Time half the
year. I do not live in EST. That's Indiana. If you told your Linux
system that you live in EST, and you don't live in Indiana, your clock
is going to be wrong half the time.
- DO know when 00:00 UTC occurs in your time zone. This
requires some arithmetic. For me, 00:00 UTC occurs at either 20:00 EDT
or 19:00 EST.
- DO subtract 59 minutes from the set of times you obtained in
the previous step; the site update can take several minutes, so we'd like
to run it 59 minutes before 00:00 UTC. For me, this special moment occurs
at 18:01 or 19:01.
- DO set up a crontab job that runs your site insert at each of
the special moments you derived in the previous step. For me, this means
I have a crontab entry that looks like this:
1 18,19 * * * cd $HOME/freenet && ./update
- DO write the shell script update in the appropriate
directory. It doesn't matter what directory you put it in, or even what
you call it, as long as it matches what the crontab entry says.
- DO put, at the top of your update script, the following
[ `date -u +%H` = 23 ] || exit 0
This ensures that your script will only run at 23:01 UTC, and not at 22:01 UTC
or 00:01 UTC or any other time. This is how we get around the fact that
Freenet uses UTC and crontab uses localtime.
- DO make sure that your update script sets PATH
and CLASSPATH appropriately. Cron does not read your
.bash_profile or /etc/profile.
- DO make sure you change your working directory (with
cd) inside the update script before you try to insert
your Freesite. We told cron to change to where the update script lives;
but this is not necessarily the directory where our Freesite's
index.html file resides. In fact, it will definitely be the wrong
place if you wish to avoid publishing your update script.
- DO NOT publish your update script if you put your private key
in it! If you want to publish your update script, that's fine -- but
make sure it reads your private key from some other file outside the
Freesite directory.
- DO execute chmod 700 update to make it unreadable
by other users on your system -- unless you're reading your private key
from some other file. In that case, chmod 600
Viewing your site
- DO wait until 00:00 UTC before you try to view your site.
- DO use the URI freenet:MSK@SSK@PUBLIC/SITE_NAME// where
PUBLIC is your public key and SITE_NAME is the string you
used to identify your Freesite when you created your DBR.
If you got this far without understanding any of what I just
said, then start with The Freenet
If you know what Freenet is, but not an SSK, then read
the Old Freenet
Publishing docs. But ignore everything that talks about Javascript.
If you know Freenet pretty well, but have no idea what PutFiles
is, then read
GJ's Guide to Freenet publishing. This is the most important
document for you to read, since it's by the author of PutFiles,
which is what's doing all the grunt work here. GJ's guide is only on
Freenet, so you'll have to set up your web browser to handle the
freenet: URI prefix, or paste to your Freenet file retrieval