As you walk through the field of herbs, you notice that all of the bushes are lined up in rows running east to west. There are 15 rows of plants.

"Now, look over here. There are seven different types of bush, an' they always grow in a certain order. That first row, at the northern end, that's morgia. Just south of that, the second row, that's mareilon. The third row has spenseweed plants, the fourth row's got some alraunia bushes in it, an' the fifth row has mancox. South of that, in the sixth row, that over there's where thek stomafillia grows. That's my favorite! Finally, the seventh row has pepper plants in it.

"After that, they start over. The eighth row's got morgia roots, just like the first row. So does the fifteenth row. The ninth row's got mareilon just like the second row, an' so on.

"I never could quite figure out how the bushes do that. I've tried planting morgia shoots in the second row, f'r instance, an' they just wouldn't grow there. But ye put some mareilon seeds in that very same dirt, an' it grows like -- er, like a weed."

Head back.