You enter the small but cozy farmhouse. A matronly hobbit wearing an apron smiles and invites you into the kitchen.

"Welcome, friends! I'm just starting dinner now; let me show you some of the spices that we use. After that, I'll show you some of the other uses for the herbs that Greg grows.

"The first is the hearty morgia root. You can smell it from over there, I'm sure; mmm, minty fresh! Eating lots of morgia roots makes you healthy and wise, no matter how late you stay up, heh!

"Now let me show you the stomafillia herbs. These contain a whole lot of calories! You've seen my husband's belly, right? Well, I think he's been sneaking a few of these when I'm not watching. Now, be careful, because there are also some stomacemptia herbs that look very similar; those aren't good to eat, not at all! Unless you're watching your weight, and even then you'd better watch out or you'll shrivel right up like a raisin!

"Over here's where I keep the pepper plants. These are good for closing wounds from the inside. Just munch one, and you'll feel like a new man -- er, woman -- please pardon me, you city folks with your strange clothes and long hair all look alike to me. Now, some of the peppers get a little overripe and turn into burb. You don't want to eat those -- they'll give you ulcers!

"Now these two are good for sick folks. This one's an alraunia antidote, which helps cure poison. There's been a lot of big, nasty spiders around these parts lately, so you might want to keep some of these handy! Right next to it's a curaria mancox, or feverweed. That's good for curing diseases. Sometimes I mix a little of these two in with a meal, just for good measure -- you never know what the kids will come home with sometimes. But don't eat the flowers -- those are devil's rose and demons daisy. Those cause poison and disease! Don't ask me which one does which -- never eat either one!

"It's important to remember that not all herbs are good for eating. Some of the medicines don't work right unless you rub them on your skin or inhale the vapors. See this mareilon here? Here, take one and squeeze it under your nose. Whee! That sure gives you a rush, doesn't it? Those vapors are really good for the joints, and they'll keep you limber. Now, this is spenseweed. It tastes pretty good, but it's even better as a topical cream. Just take one of the leaves and rub it over a cut, and it'll heal right up!"

Head back.