People often use a pasting site to share the output of unix commands for diagnostic purposes. Which is good. But if they're working from a non-X terminal, they usually can't copy/paste the text they want to copy. They end up running something like pastebinit or curl to send the output to a web site which spits back a URL containing the data. The problem for people trying to interpret this output is that we don't see the original command -- just the output. Without knowing what command was used to produce the output, it may not be useful. It's a fundamental law of unix that a piped command only sends the command's output through the pipeline, not the command itself. To break a law, you need some magic. Magic aliases: Sprunge magic alias: sprunge_helper () { local cmd read -r _ _ cmd < <(history 1) { printf 'bash$ %s\n' "$cmd"; eval "$cmd"; } | http_proxy= curl -F 'sprunge=<-' } alias sprunge='sprunge_helper # ' Ix variant: ix_helper () { local cmd read -r _ _ cmd < <(history 1) { printf 'bash$ %s\n' "$cmd"; eval "$cmd"; } | http_proxy= curl -F 'f:1=<-' } alias ix='ix_helper # ' Example: wooledg:~$ sprunge ls -lart *.png | tail -1 wooledg:~$ curl -s bash$ ls -lart *.png | tail -1 -rw-r--r-- 1 wooledg 1000 9641 May 4 08:16 viera.png Do not ask for help with magic aliases. Do not expect them to conform to your preconceived notions of logic. They are subtle and quick to anger, and you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.