BlastHardcheese 1345359978 learn You don't need to test whether you think something will succeed before you actually do that thing. Common examples include testing for the existance of a command before running it, or checking if a directory is writable before creating a file in it. Just go ahead and *do it*. If a command fails, it should exit with a non-zero exit status, which you can check for and handle (e.g.: printlog || warn 'Couldn't write to BlastHardcheese 1345360124 forget BlastHardcheese 1345360127 learn You don't need to test whether you think something will succeed before you actually do that thing. Common examples include testing for the existence of a command before running it, or checking if a directory is writable before creating a file in it. Just go ahead and *do it*. If a command fails, it should exit with a non-zero exit status, which you can check for and handle. e36freak 1351798065 forget