Factoid Hits ---------- ---- pe 3096 guide 2510 nabq 2278 ls 2273 find 2055 help 1888 quotes 1839 varcap 1529 umq 1427 pm 1426 quotewhen 1387 xy 1334 [[ 1204 paste 1183 ` 1172 extglob 1161 echo 1154 dotfiles 1124 tests 1120 google 1068 .sh 1026 doesntwork 984 qefs 961 $@ 901 ask 880 wayttd 876 pastebin.com 865 ifgrep 845 html 835 sh 829 drlwf 822 b1 810 xargs 807 -x 785 shellcheck 767 b2 763 exact 735 <( 735 eval 717 pastebin 711 uuoc 681 posix 676 (( 671 varcaps 670 array 664 set-x 663 which 662 [ 651 " 643 test 643 sprunge 641 glob 639 crap 633 cr 629 $( 629 greybot 597 tias 587 inarray 583 redir 580 function 574 math 564 <<< 523 alias 513 basename 509 make 508 next 505 xml 501 have 497 sed-i 490 -e 489 seq 488 b9 488 read 483 -- 483 for 482 $' 478 ' 477 abs 473 ! 472 ssh 469 ${ 467 arrays 465 << 464 wordsplitting 460 regex 457 if 457 b6 456 printf 453 source 449 expect 447 b3 443 wikipass 437 =~ 433 trap 406 august 405 pitfalls 405 $* 398 using 395 set-e 393 shbot 386 getopts 381 sprungefunc 381 assignment 378 b4 374 bashis 371 os 371 shebang 368 $? 358 { 354 cfor 353 homework 349 tldp 349 b5 345 nullglob 342 template 342 arguments 339 & 331 parallel 331 fd 320 caps 317 hi 315 for` 313 case 310 debug 308 globstar 308 factoids 307 env 307 cd 306 $0 302 features 301 heredoc 297 rename 296 qefe 296 [$? 295 ed 294 args 291 quote 291 wayrttd 290 counting 286 &&|| 282 porn 279 die 278 ix 276 exec 270 ps 268 links 268 lame 260 tput 256 sed 254 mapfile 254 completion 254 ops 251 coffee 249 float 248 path 246 books 245 IFS 242 questions 240 getopt 240 json 240 b7 239 $! 238 porn2 237 : 233 parser 233 latest 229 subshell 228 if[ 228 redirection 227 injection 224 expr 223 && 222 b20 219 b21 213 $() 212 dirname 212 b8 212 man 211 ifs 209 ( 206 itworks 203 re 201 jq 201 bre 200 fifo 191 &; 190 for$ 189 pony 189 quoting 188 history 187 {} 187 ere 186 bashism 186 exit 184 bash 184 cron 183 b10 183 ~ 177 awk 177 b18 177 &> 176 for$( 176 $(( 176 ex 176 dotglob 175 b29 175 b19 170 #! 167 bot 165 sudo 165 random 164 export 164 $(< 164 return 163 tee 162 permissions 162 weakness 159 time 159 newest 159 csv 159 hello 157 imabot 157 locale 156 moo 156 lists 156 cult 155 myip 155 sudo> 154 indirection 153 b11 153 b16 153 b17 153 plonk 152 nohup 152 {$ 151 <<- 150 2>&1 150 b24 150 $# 149 b13 149 cat 148 b15 147 echo$( 147 ot 147 set 146 <() 146 wait-n 146 o 146 || 145 b12 145 b14 145 bool 144 colors 141 list 141 >( 140 cs 140 seen 140 b22 139 grep 138 redirect 137 let 136 aliases 136 ftp 135 coproc 134 ffmpeg 134 thx 133 -9 133 environment 132 randomanswer 132 $[ 131 evalbot 131 guessing 131 zsh 130 demorgan 130 kill-9 130 prompt 129 b25 129 echo-e 128 pipe 128 wrapper 127 > 127 :- 127 == 124 so 124 $_ 123 assoc 122 b23 122 functions 121 timeout 121 graduated 121 < 120 complex 120 uniq 119 weaknesses 119 redirtut 118 datemath 118 @ 117 $$ 117 pipefail 117 mirror 117 magicalias 116 botsnack 116 exists 116 logging 114 while 114 loop 114 $" 114 folder 113 empty 112 ip 111 dialog 111 pipestatus 111 psychic 110 arithmetic 109 = 109 color 109 sigint 108 topic 107 >> 106 hr 106 isset 105 requote 105 csh 104 be 104 PE 103 problem 103 b31 103 $ 102 foo 101 bashrc 101 wait 101 $(echo 100 pastebins 100 grepawk 100 ws 99 | 99 pgrep 99 select 97 code 96 split 96 jqcreate 96 inotify 95 ctime 94 lint 93 lock 92 log 91 confirm 91 bashlib 90 b30 90 b0 89 cut 89 pretty 89 b26 89 sort 88 () 87 ormaajfib 87 $- 86 -u 86 b27 86 scp 85 sponge 84 shopt 83 trim 83 matrix 82 porn3 82 read-r 82 ${} 81 ps1 81 tty 81 cookie 81 command 80 $1 79 variables 79 <<<$( 79 join 79 ormaajbomb3 79 question 78 urlencode 77 _ 76 b32 76 comm 75 options 75 vt100 74 oldest 74 tutorials 74 doesn'twork 73 ormaajbomb2 73 ps4 73 shtricks 73 hurry 72 faketty 71 lol 70 argmax 70 ormaajbomb1 70 unset 69 ping 69 thanks 69 loops 68 in1line 68 declare 68 rand 68 PATH 67 scope 67 isin 67 bashguide 67 learn 67 jwz 67 int 67 docker 67 idiot 66 shift 66 conditionals 66 shlaas 66 triggers 66 -r 65 b28 65 local 65 kill 64 hurts 64 quotewhennot 64 badredir 64 type 63 perl 63 - 63 ? 63 debugging 62 globs 62 ipc 62 stderr 62 su 62 mirrors 62 shellshock 62 busybox 61 works 61 b33 61 killall 60 df 60 ormaaj 60 # 59 parent 59 b39 59 flw 59 words 58 factoid 58 brace 58 penultimate 58 ormaajbomb4 58 ormaajrev 58 nameref 58 pdfguide 57 herestring 57 pidof 57 extension 57 [-a 57 boolean 57 prepend 56 set-u 56 findloop 56 details 56 b34 56 ;& 55 greycat 55 usecase 55 capital 55 b36 55 disappear 55 quotesoptional 55 >& 54 pax 54 rlart 54 ormaajfac 54 :+ 54 columns 53 forkbomb 53 rtfm 53 channel 53 editing 53 compile 52 inplace 52 terminal 52 quiet 52 |& 52 posixlocal 52 lastpipe 52 ormaajbomb5 52 pe: 52 usingfind 52 redirections 51 jobs 51 about 51 pwd 51 emgrev 51 progress 50 >() 50 builtin 50 config 50 replace 49 want 49 strings 49 porn4 49 stackoverflow 49 b35 49 regexp 48 tutorial 48 $GREP 48 changes 48 itworks2 48 disown 48 $'' 47 wiki 47 style 47 mutex 47 example 47 declare-n 47 script 46 PIPESTATUS 46 stdin 46 pcre 46 tar 46 bobby 46 sortfiles 46 redir2var 46 cargocult 46 readlines 45 job 45 english 45 inotifywait 45 smart 45 echo-n 45 1line 45 io 44 echo` 43 stats 43 flock 43 tables 43 xyproblem 42 PS1 42 daemon 42 answers 42 inject 42 signal 42 status 42 emgrev2 42 checkbot 42 quoteoptional 42 b40 42 repeat 41 \r 41 ** 41 $(($ 41 b37 41 sheet 40 spaces 40 bashquote 40 hash 40 password 40 ${! 40 sum 40 := 40 namerefread 40 eof 39 netiquette 39 dot 39 whitespace 39 izarev 39 ||&& 39 ormaajbooks 39 mktemp 39 sh-c 39 euo 39 bashfaq 38 embed 38 away 38 pdf 38 guess 38 xmb 38 tshirt 38 sudoers 38 oneline 38 number 38 b38 38 compiling 37 pid 37 newline 37 rm 37 pasteit 37 interpreter 37 nbsp 37 ; 37 survey 37 svn 36 redir2eng 36 dash 36 [x 36 wiki.bash-hackers.or 36 bashdb 35 upload 35 mysqlquote 35 whileread 35 arg_max 34 nopaste 34 `` 34 work 34 [vs[[ 34 ormaajbomb 34 awk-v 34 find$ 34 prune 33 braces 33 invocation 33 slurp 33 slice 33 ext 33 screen 33 -c 33 shell 33 ipv4 33 oracle 33 EOF 32 ansi 32 umask 32 lftp 32 fork 32 uuoe 32 echo$ 32 nul 32 sort-k 32 good 32 paradigm 32 bash-completion 32 readonly 32 m 32 until 31 last 31 bashphorism1 31 vi 31 for(( 31 boxme 31 completion3 31 #!2 31 bsr 31 PS4 30 urlquote 30 namedpipe 30 completion2 30 porn5 30 porn1 30 b41 30 input 30 wc 29 title 29 parameters 29 php 29 crontab 29 randomstring 29 `irc 29 jsonquote 29 parsingls 29 b42 29 evilfiles 29 REPLY 28 svngrep 28 sshtar 28 incron 28 bashphorism2 28 :) 28 git 28 ormaajtest 28 failglob 28 goal 28 default 28 ifsread 28 noquote 28 greycatrev 28 shellquote 28 book 28 99.9% 28 \ 28 mail 27 rlatest 27 dotdot 27 du-h 27 evil 27 bug 27 python 27 ormaajcolors 27 ormaajarr 27 login 27 euopipefail 27 emanuele6bashrematch 27 tiocsti 26 error 26 curl 26 bashish 26 idiots 26 botspam 26 $SHELL 26 yes 26 isatty 26 mre 26 fib 25 capvar 25 sigkill 25 loadable 25 lines 25 pv 25 ormaajkeys 25 gentoo 25 bc 25 <> 25 varparent 25 suid 24 didntwork 24 plz 24 dangling 24 templates 24 info 24 setuid 24 ormaajrev2 24 edfun 24 wfm 24 get-bash 24 enter 24 jqcreatelist 24 rc 23 du-sh 23 bashphorism3 23 grouping 23 stdout 23 what 23 bash.org 23 watch 23 column 23 bashphorisms 23 ormaajbomb7 23 macbash 23 termbin 23 data 22 email 22 butterfly 22 zombie 22 [[$? 22 how 22 getrange 22 doesntwork2 22 {.. 22 porn6 22 ormaajloop 22 b43 22 fuck 21 goto 21 &>> 21 u 21 syntax 21 \0 21 errexit 21 vardata 21 contains 21 bourne 21 seconds 21 prompting 21 quotenotwhen 21 quoteswhen 21 smiley 21 firstlearnbash 21 step 21 vampire 21 gnufind$ 21 patterns 20 sshkeys 20 notbash 20 dos 20 opts 20 [-o 20 troll 20 examples 20 foobar 20 wikitarball 20 reptyr 20 readarray 20 porn981 20 pizza 20 noclobber 19 fail 19 `echo 19 SECONDS 19 name 19 keys 19 keysort 19 corollary1.1 19 upvar 19 unicode 19 edman 19 poop 19 <<( 19 center 19 safecd 19 bent_fingers 19 eeffoc 19 stat 18 human 18 explain 18 ulimit 18 xclip 18 backup 18 wget 18 why 18 quicksort 18 no 18 yw 18 cronpath 18 osserev 18 isempty 18 rhs 18 $shell 18 speed 18 fish 18 LC_ALL 18 inoneline 18 ls-1 18 ixfunc 18 cmd 17 md5 17 tac 17 $grep 17 uuok 17 adu 17 globbing 17 grammar 17 birandom 17 -exec_ 17 XY 17 ormaajenv 17 bugs 17 sjohnsonrev 17 emgrev3 17 sudofail 17 timestamp 17 pathname 17 b-1 17 ormaajbomb6 17 interactive 17 izabera 17 SHELL 17 stuff 17 izarev2 17 porn7 17 bash-hackers.org 17 greybotquine 17 spam 16 sl 16 cdpath 16 shame 16 ${# 16 arithmetics 16 testing 16 expansions 16 e36opts 16 ${$ 16 ascii 16 unquoted 16 factorial 16 PWD 16 scriptinglanguage 16 human-size 16 overflow 16 whoami 16 recursion 16 ormaajbin 16 j 16 readlink 16 sturgeon 16 porn8 16 where 16 shbotfopendefaultmod 16 pebasename 15 q 15 ty 15 ash 15 mantra 15 urldecode 15 <<() 15 chmod 15 sbot 15 etiquette 15 epoch 15 exactly 15 quotewhy 15 ormaajpower 15 badutils 15 language 15 not 15 order 15 broken 15 ormaajbreak 15 ormaajbrace 15 checkip 15 tcpserver 15 vars 15 abspath 15 UsingFind 15 >| 15 curlpipesh 15 minimal 15 test-a 15 crlf 15 today 15 floating 14 ihave 14 unix 14 email-regex 14 xterm 14 $var 14 RANDOM 14 pp 14 comment 14 mtime 14 dates 14 stack 14 wiyug 14 bobbytables 14 CR 14 url 14 tmux 14 ifsbug1 14 readfind 14 {, 14 {var} 14 dupes 14 find{}+ 14 b44 14 box 14 poosix1 14 PM 13 csecho 13 t-shirt 13 sedvar 13 batch 13 max 13 netcat 13 tco 13 badgreybotbad 13 QEFS 13 unbuffer 13 professor 13 folders 13 globdots 13 pwgen 13 TIAS 13 set-f 13 badref 13 bom 13 evalball 13 mandelbrot 13 nthline 13 posix-sh 13 sjohnsonrev2 13 ksh 13 reply 13 type-foo 13 whilefind 13 xmlget 13 256colormap 13 func 13 -f 13 vim 13 i 13 xkcddate 13 $subscript 13 doublesizedindexedar 13 poosix2 13 child 12 bp 12 digit 12 msg 12 ;;& 12 golfing 12 rndstr 12 gnufindsort 12 newer 12 redirorder 12 ddiib 12 envbash 12 space 12 explainshell 12 perfect 12 smartquotes 12 ss-test 12 sudo* 12 ormaajbinhex 12 compgen 12 sexy 12 hidden 12 bash_rematch 12 line 12 geirhadirname 12 x-hack 12 porn9 12 asciitable 12 bash51localrematch 12 kill-sig 12 colorchart 11 getoptstut 11 noob 11 sp 11 x 11 toys 11 ormaajtrue 11 ;; 11 push 11 go|dfish 11 ormaajpalindrome 11 sqlitequote 11 iptables 11 BRE 11 leap 11 hastebin 11 iamabot 11 str2glob 11 makefile 11 osx 11 profiling 11 wtfayd 11 readline 11 Soliton 11 menu 11 localrematch 11 otbut 11 poosix3 11 MOO! 11 relax 10 basics 10 bash4 10 POSIX 10 UMQ 10 latest2 10 cpio 10 benchmark 10 practices 10 (.)(.)bang 10 simplify 10 answer 10 bad 10 date1 10 aarrays 10 reading 10 CDPATH 10 ormaajrotate 10 output 10 plonk2 10 huh 10 charcount 10 psgrep 10 forls 10 printfexploit 10 everyquestion 10 turing 10 inarray2 10 getrange2 10 changelog 10 doesntwork5 10 option 10 tmpfile 10 numglob 10 nocaseglob 10 #!realpath 10 gplv3 10 screenshot 10 find{} 10 BASH_REMATCH 10 quick 10 collating 10 :? 10 soliton 10 bytelengthexample 10 bytelength 10 test-L 10 pastebanquine 10 emanutils 10 poosix5 10 fam 9 dc 9 auth 9 special 9 badglob 9 shanghai 9 fu.gif 9 pty.spawn 9 #!binbash 9 pop 9 !" 9 c1 9 arrorder 9 hashbang 9 maths 9 posixlocal2 9 hammer 9 Find 9 &&if 9 ormaajdatatype 9 flowcontrol 9 dontwork 9 ERE 9 typeset 9 nlatest 9 jobcontrol 9 ormaajpattern 9 doesntwork3 9 whichshell 9 $n 9 executable 9 .* 9 sprunge-magic-alias 9 split_str 9 fd2var 9 completion4 9 \s 9 :D 9 $((" 9 quine 9 aside 9 mom 8 COLUMNS 8 dowhile 8 daemontools 8 many 8 UUOC 8 regexhtml 8 readwrite 8 curseofknowledge 8 newbie 8 ormaajsnip 8 >sed 8 extglobs 8 threads 8 regular 8 htmlquote 8 quotebreak 8 spaceship 8 telnet 8 man-ed 8 pebkac 8 trirandom 8 tolower 8 emgrev4 8 mksh 8 08 8 ormaajfib2 8 uuog 8 findxargs 8 freturn 8 stupid 8 PROMPT_COMMAND 8 headtail 8 performance 8 ^M 8 editinplace 8 insanity 8 noquotes 8 eliza 8 ipv4alt 8 xtracefd 8 '\'' 8 continue 8 ... 8 ixz 8 + 8 real 8 irc 8 b9.5 8 forget 8 posixmode 8 -exec+ 8 epochrealtimeint 8 emanuele6posixmtimec 8 hentai 8 posixwhilereadignore 8 dd 8 poosix4 8 0x0 8 whatsthetime 8 dna 7 filenames 7 graybot 7 PS 7 PS2 7 fhs 7 portability 7 posix2 7 motto 7 xargsbug 7 cgi 7 perm 7 CAPS 7 refactorlessplease 7 race 7 tools 7 command_not_found_ha 7 calldepth 7 grep-o 7 fibonacci 7 getshver 7 awkquote 7 sedredir 7 ${${ 7 thequestion 7 whynot 7 bashbug 7 tldr 7 <|>bang 7 itsnothomework 7 hardquestion 7 anal 7 forkexec 7 [: 7 utsl 7 LINES 7 headache 7 badq 7 sub 7 lies 7 cdfunc 7 vuln2 7 love 7 doesntwork4 7 coprocess 7 swapfd 7 $[] 7 urls 7 retype 7 pasteban 7 doubleslash 7 iza-try-catch 7 #sh 7 #!usrbinenv 7 clbinfunc 7 with 7 unreg 7 bar 7 a-z 7 tcl 7 keyword 7 laugh 7 sysvinit 7 awkgrep 7 sigpipe 7 bcscale 7 fsm 7 colon 7 uptime 7 bashpid 7 paste.ubuntu.com 7 xkcdstandards 7 spinner 7 posixlet 7 :3 7 for{ 7 test-h 7 ormaajreturn 7 emanuele6 7 ${| 7 encode 6 kwtmnoob 6 spoon 6 map 6 less 6 g 6 FD 6 #!/bin/bash 6 e36 6 2d 6 text 6 arch 6 learnsh 6 lista 6 partial 6 warn 6 lolspeak 6 c 6 Help 6 ormaajpuzzle1 6 and 6 lc_all 6 coinflip 6 fancynewline 6 tlcl 6 bypass 6 pastecmd 6 $dayjob 6 bs 6 read-p 6 ifsmod 6 gethelp 6 [< 6 XyProblem 6 posixsh 6 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5 shuffle 5 izaparser 5 robust 5 fun 5 stackexchange 5 at 5 smartquestions 5 shithub 5 tact 5 phpsucks 5 xkcdregex 5 truncate 5 ajoin 5 break 5 patsierev 5 what-is-!learn? 5 A-Z 5 should 5 #!pkgbash 5 string 5 EPOCHREALTIMEint 5 ctypes.sh 5 srandom 5 trigger-e 5 ormaajbomb8 5 fdvar 5 irc` 5 ternary 5 posix6 5 posix7 5 actualdocs 5 epic 5 foreach 4 selftell 4 esc 4 ^c 4 $"" 4 stream 4 blankmyth 4 ps2 4 showargs 4 low 4 nmap 4 ]] 4 bh 4 GREP 4 !set 4 but 4 '' 4 "` 4 bash4osx 4 ormaajerrexit 4 ^C 4 len 4 ii 4 failed 4 Paste 4 users 4 sedawk 4 goodbye 4 emgrev5 4 fore 4 bash-sh 4 yesdear 4 rightstr: 4 arg: 4 assume 4 copy-paste 4 ormaajxclip 4 notitty 4 attach 4 workaround 4 badidea 4 query 4 fp 4 ide 4 exception 4 chooseyourshell 4 lc 4 cheer 4 ls@ 4 makesense 4 advanced 4 b_zed 4 realhomework 4 cutoff 4 QEFE 4 ask2 4 right 4 =$? 4 pigz 4 worship 4 dotpattern 4 header 4 ormaajparser 4 getrange3 4 oops 4 b-2 4 Pm 4 vagueness 4 sox 4 facepalm 4 prompt_command 4 SO 4 delimiter 4 DotFiles 4 testx 4 ps0 4 dumpvar 4 dotslash 4 pleasantries 4 OSX 4 multigrep 4 clbin 4 whole 4 $@ex 4 xkcdrtfm 4 xdebug 4 sedfaq 4 itworks3 4 devtty 4 hay 4 unquoted2 4 test1 4 [[:digit:]] 4 cryptopsy 4 jshon 4 exists2 4 |read 4 dotfilebug 4 toomanycooks 4 zcomp 4 re=\\s 4 histexp 4 toolselection 4 ormaajpattern2 4 ormaajerror 4 wayattd 4 chattr 4 chetecho 4 ==||== 4 >$BASHPID 4 izarage 4 what-is-!what-is-!le 4 low-sugar-botsnack 4 smiley2 4 bsdfind$ 4 forkmycode 4 spaghetti 4 sprintf 3 mta 3 smaller 3 y0 3 back 3 osxfind 3 distros 3 literalsub 3 laziness 3 dpkg 3 sry 3 testtest 3 nm 3 y1 3 idiot! 3 othershells 3 in1command 3 c2 3 flag 3 pride 3 Ls 3 sshcleanup 3 DEBUG 3 nabp 3 PS3 3 whynotls 3 runkill 3 sprungeform 3 ormaajpuzzle 3 hi, 3 X 3 supercopy 3 globexample 3 BE 3 rtft 3 leet 3 nabq-es 3 pointers 3 prayer 3 sticky 3 mod3 3 leftstr: 3 Hi 3 checkpe 3 ARGMAX 3 reference 3 heisenbug 3 nowwhat 3 LS 3 apue 3 ABS 3 bingo 3 drink 3 invent 3 crap2 3 newer2 3 sednewline 3 forvswhile 3 savetopic 3 mywiki.wooledge.org 3 greetings 3 sias 3 div 3 ../whatever 3 /tmp/file 3 dont 3 benchmarks 3 pofd 3 awkvar 3 diefunc 3 ego 3 letswakeupgeirha 3 cddvd 3 sprungefunction 3 ~/ 3 psychic2 3 toupper 3 clipboard 3 nothelpful 3 wwgd 3 print_status 3 notatty 3 retyping 3 += 3 bashref 3 ifs-local 3 Math 3 quidproquo 3 Sturgeon 3 #!/usr/bin/env 3 everything 3 Upload 3 color2 3 c1.1 3 FUNCNAME 3 e36templates 3 Using 3 because 3 dreams 3 redir2postit 3 is_dir_in_path 3 fdswap 3 user 3 inverse-dotglob 3 VARCAPS 3 praghello 3 Izarev 3 changreet 3 [[vs[ 3 doctor 3 :/ 3 heredocs 3 cowbell 3 quietdebug 3 anniversary 3 xon 3 grepsed 3 /dev/tty 3 distro 3 standard 3 isanyonehere 3 posixgrammar 3 ipv6 3 ((" 3 rtsl 3 alot 3 heirloom 3 sc 3 function() 3 BASHPID 3 flw2 3 kill-SIG 3 awkshellescape 3 parameter 3 lazyPE 3 conditionaldebug 3 shquine 3 bashsleep 3 fornoin 3 any 3 sourcepath 3 +e 3 ifvs&&{} 3 printf%c 3 whichcraft 3 bqs 3 qens 3 posix2008 3 namerefread53 3 ormaajfdreserve 3 posix2024 3 wooledgepaste 3 freebsd-c 3 poosix6 3 DOS 2 authentication 2 backtrace 2 gigo 2 pi 2 renault 2 finfo 2 !help 2 Bashguide 2 internal 2 Test 2 spammm 2 kiss 2 Quotes 2 furball 2 timingpipe 2 another_way 2 setgid 2 sshdd 2 Perl 2 FIFO 2 inArray 2 ugh 2 yquotes 2 Bash 2 y2 2 doh 2 rude 2 useawk 2 timtowtdiamotwaw 2 HELP 2 Tias 2 ParsingLs 2 THX 2 anarchy 2 C 2 Guide 2 en-pls-es 2 pdksh 2 doitforme 2 forme 2 weakpoints 2 ormaaj_gives_a_fuck 2 window_scaling 2 UTSL 2 ad 2 checkexp 2 fpath 2 \<\> 2 g1 2 PoSIX 2 bugged 2 tabular 2 defunct 2 theory 2 practice 2 readability 2 peurl 2 usleep 2 BashGuide 2 test-f 2 /sprunge 2 utmp 2 TLDP 2 sad 2 y2k 2 rhetorical 2 afk 2 XYl 2 ls+ 2 noobtorial 2 sense 2 edgar_suit 2 lart 2 reattach 2 pebcak 2 ^$() 2 manfo 2 HISTORY 2 2like 2 histcontrol 2 dontbemean 2 find-except-svn 2 bpod 2 dfs 2 lolz 2 PORN 2 qdb 2 _matrix_ 2 autoexpect 2 ..............bin 2 lluacolors 2 /regex/ 2 gentooitis 2 marquee 2 thebasics 2 B1 2 ltq 2 ^m 2 upstart 2 HISTIGNORE 2 lts 2 autocd 2 topic2 2 gm 2 orangutan 2 c-style 2 Os 2 vi-mode 2 lead0 2 regulars 2 rhash 2 !#!env 2 ls2 2 PS0 2 } 2 brm 2 lookatthelink 2 BashFAQ 2 gettext 2 slashes 2 ls-t 2 $/ 2 hate 2 repl 2 alec 2 wdyrwtd 2 RE 2 Bool 2 butwithdocker 2 stopclever 2 emailmetehcodez 2 !{var}< 2 assignments 2 ps-aux 2 gnugrepisfast 2 <(cat 2 n4dir 2 &&: 2 Pitfalls 2 util-syntax 2 mel 2 fgi 2 QUOTES 2 \d 2 whentrap 2 fslint 2 nest#! 2 iqthreshold 2 sudosu 2 (continue) 2 pstree 2 pwdenv 2 nh 2 bo 2 !droid 2 roman 2 someone 2 undefine 2 SRANDOM 2 license 2 2ⁿ 2 bash3 2 serialterminalsize 2 printf-v 2 win32-filename-rules 2 unbase64 2 sponge.c 2 k&p 2 ormaajsnip2 2 noglob 2 bashapi 2 filename 2 creation_time 2 catgrep 2 case> 2 x11 2 homebin 2 dateutils 2 BOT 2 friend 2 burnthewhich 2 RHS 2 pd 2 qefs-x01 2 a01 2 \> 2 :d 2 ,, 2 toLower 2 flw3 2 tabmenu 2 .[!.]* 2 nv 2 xoff 2 x/////y 2 !die 2 $(()) 2 murderer 2 g2 2 g3 2 openbsdfind$ 2 smiley3 2 ormaajtest2 2 swapcase 2 kshfork 2 slashslash 2 expectexample 2 MOO 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altfactoid 1 requirements 1 redirtest4 1 nl 1 loopprompt 1 bible 1 ARGS 1 :pe 1 Coffee 1 ianabe 1 incrontab 1 m///o///o/ 1 dos2unix 1 is_emanuele6_a_god 1