kurahaupo 1616264956 learn When distributing a bash script in a package that installs to a fixed path, such as .deb or .rpm, always include a bash package as prerequisite, and then in the #! line, ALWAYS use the direct path to bash supplied by the that package packaging. On Linux that's almost always `#!/bin/bash`. NEVER use `#!/usr/bin/env bash` in scripts that are installed by the OS's package manager. Corresponding advice applies to scripts in other kurahaupo 1616265033 forget kurahaupo 1616265033 learn When distributing a bash script in a package that installs to a fixed path, such as .deb or .rpm, always include a bash package as prerequisite, and then in the #! line, ALWAYS use the direct path to bash supplied by the that package packaging. On Linux that's almost always `#!/bin/bash`. NEVER use `#!/usr/bin/env bash` in scripts that are installed by the OS's package manager. Corresponding advice applies to other languages. kurahaupo 1616265118 forget kurahaupo 1616265119 learn When distributing a bash script in a package that installs to a fixed path, such as .deb or .rpm, always include a bash package as prerequisite, and then in the #! line, ALWAYS use the direct path to bash supplied by that package. On Linux that's almost always `#!/bin/bash`. NEVER use `#!/usr/bin/env bash` in scripts that are installed by the OS's package manager. Corresponding advice applies to scripts in other languages.