lhunath 1376535044 learn Avoid short and meaningless variable names. Name your variables such that they communicate what you want them to hold; the more your variables say, the better your code reads. $file, not $f. $remoteHost, not $h. One convention is to use singular for regular variables, plural for arrays and the first letter of the array for variables that hold an index in that array (eg. for f in "${!files[@]}" / lhunath 1376535066 forget lhunath 1376535238 learn Avoid short and meaningless variable names. Use your variable names to communicate what they hold: the more your naming says, the better your code reads. $file, not $f. $remoteHost, not $h. One convention is to use singular words for regular variables, plural for arrays and the first letter of the array for indexes in that array (eg. for f in "${!files[@]}" / for file in "${files[@]}").