greycat 1238009141 learn &; is always wrong. If you want to run things in the background in a compact one-liner just use & between commands, and omit the ; entirely. See e36freak 1323208277 forget e36freak 1323208280 learn &; is always wrong. If you want to run things in the background in a compact one-liner, omit the ';' entirely and simply use '&' between commands. for i in ./*; do my_command "$i" & done # see e36freak 1382375389 forget e36freak 1382375400 learn '&;' is always wrong. So is '& ;'. If you want to run things in the background in a compact one-liner, omit the ';' entirely and simply use '&' between commands. for f in ./*; do my_command "$f" & done # See fr33load3r 1397244463 forget fr33load3r 1397244466 learn '&;' is always wrong. So is '& ;'. If you want to run things in the background in a compact one-liner, omit the ';' entirely and simply use '&' between commands. for f in ./*; do my_command "$f" & done - see