lhunath 1179102382 learn There are two kinds of quotes; '' and "". Both have a very distinct function. '' prevents any evaluation of its content by bash. That INCLUDES backslash-escaping; so '\'' will NOT escape the inner '. "" does the same thing as '', in that it keeps its content together to be passed as one argument; however, it DOES allow for parameter expansion and escaping. eg. "I'd have told $USER: \"Read man bash already!\".". greycat 1200933137 forget greycat 1200933170 learn Single quotes (') cause everything between them to be taken literally by bash. If you want to embed a ' inside a '...', write it as '\''. ferret 1244504110 forget ferret 1244504128 learn as Single quotes (') cause everything between them to be taken literally by bash. If you want to embed a ' inside a '...', write it as the four characters: '\'' koala_man 1250150485 forget koala_man 1250150490 learn as Single quotes (') cause everything between them to be taken literally by bash. If you want to embed a ' inside a '...', write it as the four characters, '\'': echo 'It'\''s a blast!' geirha 1277222879 forget geirha 1277222888 learn Single quotes (') cause everything between them to be taken literally by bash. If you want to embed a ' inside a '...', write it as the four characters, '\'': echo 'It'\''s a blast!' greycat 1489169854 forget greycat 1489169855 learn EVERYTHING inside single quotes (') is taken literally by bash. If you want to embed a ' inside '...', write it as the four characters '\'' or use $'...' quoting instead. Earnestly 1659353317 forget Earnestly 1659353333 learn EVERYTHING inside single quotes (') is taken literally by bash. You can't include a single ' inside '...', but you can write it by ending the single-quoted string, quoting a bare ' and starting a new single-quoted string (e.g. '\'' or '"'"').