kurahaupo 1605154323 learn "break", "continue" & "return" that are inside a subshells cannot influence program flow outside that subshell. At best they report an error and cause the subshell to exit immediately; at worst they will fail silently and the program flow will continue past them. kurahaupo 1605154579 forget kurahaupo 1605154580 learn Using "break", "continue" & "return" inside a subshell cannot influence program flow outside that subshell. At best it will report an error and cause the subshell to exit immediately; at worst it will fail silently and the program flow will continue past them. kurahaupo 1605154932 forget kurahaupo 1605154942 learn Using "break", "continue" & "return" inside a subshell cannot influence program flow outside that subshell. At best it will report an error and cause the subshell to exit immediately; at worst it will fail silently and the program flow will continue past it.