ferret 1204050254 learn Process Substitution -- <(cmd) and >(cmd) -- see http://wooledge.org/mywiki/BashFAQ/024 \amethyst 1230840017 forget \amethyst 1230840019 learn Process Substitution -- <(cmd) and >(cmd) -- see http://wooledge.org/mywiki/ProcessSubstitution , or http://wooledge.org/mywiki/BashFAQ/024 for a common use greycat 1369256470 forget greycat 1369256479 learn #redirect <() lhunath 1386779624 forget lhunath 1386779628 learn Process Substitution: >(command ...) or <(...) is replaced by a temporary filename. Writing or reading the file passes the bytes to/from the command inside. Usually combined with redirection. cmd1 2> >(cmd2) -> cmd1 2>/tmp/input-of-cmd2; sed 2d <(dmesg) -> sed 2d /tmp/output-of-dmesg. http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ProcessSubstitution lhunath 1386779995 forget lhunath 1386780120 learn Process Substitution: >(command ...) or <(...) is replaced by a temporary filename. Writing or reading the file passes the bytes to/from the command inside. Often combined with file redirection. sed 1d <(df) -> sed 1d /tmp/output-of-df. http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ProcessSubstitution greycat 1403286312 forget greycat 1403286314 learn Process Substitution: <(command) or >(command) is replaced by a FIFO or /dev/fd/* entry. Basically shorthand for setting up a named pipe. See . Example: diff -u <(sort file1) <(sort file2)