greycat 1174418849 learn Here strings. Similar to here documents (<<), the word after the <<< is passed as standard input to a command (and a newline is always added). Example: read a b c <<< "$sentence" lhunath 1228905014 forget lhunath 1228905237 learn Here strings. Similar to here documents: The word after <<< and a newline are passed to the standard input of a command. Syntax: ''command <<< "some sentence"'' (Like ''echo "some sentence" | command'', but without the overhead of the subshell) nai 1554039666 forget nai 1554039667 learn Here strings. Similar to here documents: The word after <<< is passed to the standard input of a command, with a newline appended. Syntax: ''command <<< "some sentence"'' (Like ''echo "some sentence" | command'', but without the overhead of the subshell) emanuele6 1662632614 forget emanuele6 1662632648 learn Here strings. Similar to here documents: The word after <<< is passed to the standard input of a command, with a newline appended. Syntax: ''command <<< "some sentence"'' (Like ''printf %s\\n "some sentence" | command'', but without the overhead of the subshell)