kojiro 1204959236 learn Indented Here documents. Here documents with a dash before the EOF will ignore preceding tabs on each line, allowing you to indent your here documents nicely. Refer to << for general information on Here documents. TomJ 1228261238 forget TomJ 1228261260 learn Indented Here documents. Here documents with a dash before the EOF will ignore preceding tabs on each line, allowing you to indent your here documents nicely. Refer to << for general information on Here documents. Note that only TABs will work - spaces will not. Some editors can replace the TAB character with spaces, so be careful. llua 1426299702 forget llua 1426299709 learn Indented Here documents. Here documents with a dash before the delimiter (e.g: EOF) will ignore preceding tabs on each line, allowing you to indent your here documents nicely. Refer to << for general information on Here documents. Note that only TABs will work - spaces will not. Some editors can replace the TAB character with spaces, so be careful. llua 1426300095 forget llua 1426300221 learn Indented Here documents. Here documents started with <<- will ignore preceding tabs on each line, allowing you to indent your here documents nicely. Refer to << for general information on Here documents. Note that only TABs will work - spaces will not. Some editors can replace the TAB character with spaces, so be careful.