\amethyst 1228260305 learn To assign to a variable, use varname=value . Do not include spaces around the '=', and do not write $varname on the left hand side. The value must be a word, but does not undergo word-splitting or globbing. Assign to an array with arr=( value1 value2 ) or an array element with arr[i+1]=value \amethyst 1228260422 forget \amethyst 1228260489 learn To assign to a variable, use varname=value . Do not include spaces around the '=', and do not write $varname on the left hand side. The value must be a word (quote literal spaces, etc), but it does not undergo word-splitting or globbing. Assign to an array with arr=( value1 value2 ) [unquoted strings do undergo word-splitting here], or an array element with arr[i+1]=value . See also declare, local, and export . \amethyst 1228260521 forget \amethyst 1228260583 learn To assign to a variable, use varname=value . Do not include spaces around the '=', and do not write $varname on the left hand side. The value must be a word (you should quote or backslash literal spaces, parentheses, etc.), but it does not undergo word-splitting or globbing. Assign to an array with arr=( value1 value2 ) (unquoted strings do undergo word-splitting and globbing here), or an array element with arr[i+ \amethyst 1228260725 forget \amethyst 1228260778 learn To assign to a variable, use varname=value . Do not include spaces around the '=', and do not write $varname on the left hand side. The value must be a word (quote funny characters), but it does not undergo word-splitting or globbing. Assign to an array with arr=( value1 value2 ) (which does undergo word-splitting and globbing), or an array element with arr[i+1]=value . See also: declare, local, and export. greycat 1324498182 forget greycat 1324498191 learn To assign to a variable, use varname=value . Do not include spaces around the '=', and do not write $varname on the left hand side.