greycat 1305574553 learn We don't support busybox here -- go to #uclibc for that. Riviera 1365613865 forget Riviera 1365613917 learn We don't support busybox here -- go to #busybox for that kerframil 1487098324 forget kerframil 1487098326 learn busybox embeds Almquist shell (ash) as its implementation of /bin/sh, derivatives of which also feature as the default shell in various popular operating systems such as FreeBSD, NetBSD, Android and Ubuntu (in the form of dash). It is designed to be conformant with POSIX sh, although it supports a handful of features above and beyond the specification. While sh is supported here, the additional utilities bundled by busybox are kerframil 1487098527 forget kerframil 1487098576 learn busybox embeds Almquist shell (ash) as its implementation of sh. It is designed to be POSIX-conformant, although it supports a handful of features above and beyond the specification. While sh is supported here, the additional utilities bundled by busybox are not; please go to #busybox for questions regarding those.