lhunath 1403808074 learn Don't use things like \e[1;32m. Use tput and see man terminfo instead. Eg. red=$(tput setaf 1); echo "hello ${red}world" # See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/037 http://to.lhunath.com/bashlib#L204 lhunath 1403808097 forget lhunath 1403808137 learn Don't use things like \e[1;32m, they only work in some terminals. Use tput and see man terminfo instead. Eg. red=$(tput setaf 1); echo "hello ${red}world" # See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/037 http://to.lhunath.com/bashlib#L204 tirnanog 1689453736 forget tirnanog 1689453772 learn Don't use things like \e[1;32m, they only work in some terminals. Use tput and see man terminfo instead. Eg. red=$(tput setaf 1); echo "hello ${red}world" # See https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/037 https://github.com/lhunath/scripts/blob/master/bashlib/bashlib#L188