kurahaupo 1517024742 learn Text attributes such as color, bold, underline and blink, are not intrinsic to the text itself. Rather, a terminal has a set of current attributes that are used for all subsequent text, and can be changed by escape sequences (see !color). This is independent of which process writes to the terminal, and which filedescriptor is used; writing an escape sequence on stdout will change the attributes of text written to st kurahaupo 1517024763 forget kurahaupo 1517024808 learn Text attributes such as color, bold, underline and blink, are not intrinsic to the text itself. Rather, a terminal has a set of current attributes that are used for all subsequent text, and can be changed by escape sequences (see !color). This is independent of which process writes to the terminal, and which filedescriptor is used; all interleaved text is a single stream.