kojiro 1187120618 learn doesntwork doesn'twork kojiro 1187120646 forget kojiro 1187120702 learn If we help you, and it "doesn't work", then we definitely need more information. Don't tell us it doesn't work. Tell us what you did, and what happened when you did it. lhunath 1206816876 forget lhunath 1206816921 learn If it "doesn't work", then stop crying about it and actually tell us what you want to do, what you tried to get it done and how it failed. lhunath 1206816974 forget lhunath 1206817011 learn If it "doesn't work", then stop crying about it and actually tell us EXACTLY what you want to do, what you tried to get it done and how it failed. Copy/paste what's on your shell. lhunath 1213272262 forget lhunath 1213272370 learn "It doesn't work" is NEVER helpful. Tell us what you WANT TO DO, what you're DOING, and what is FAILING. Be as exact as possible; abstraction rarely ever helps us. lhunath 1216025645 forget lhunath 1216025751 learn Saying something "doesn't work" helps nobody. Explain what you *want* to do, what you are *doing* and how it is *failing*. Being abstract or vague doesn't help. Copy/paste the commands that fail and the errors they produce. lhunath 1308602936 forget lhunath 1308602997 learn Saying something "doesn't work" helps neither you or us. Explain what you *want* to do, what you are *doing* and how it is *failing*. Being abstract or vague doesn't help. Copy/paste the commands that fail and the errors they produce. Consider set -x for a better diagnosis of what is actually going wrong. lhunath 1331462546 forget lhunath 1331462658 learn Saying something "doesn't work" helps neither you or us. Explain the result you *want* or *expect*, what you are *doing* and *how* it is failing. Copy/paste the commands you use and the errors they produce. Consider set -x to get more information on what is happening.