greycat 1127139683 learn igli 1187101786 forget igli 1187101802 learn or for a technical explanation, see the INVOCATION section of man bash. trash 1272817758 forget trash 1272817780 learn or - for a technical explanation - the INVOCATION section of man bash. greycat 1302892480 forget greycat 1302892522 learn Put all your functions, aliases, shopt and set stuff in ~/.bashrc. Make sure ~/.bash_profile sources ~/.bashrc. For GUI logins, SEE YOUR DOCUMENTATION because they're all different and we don't know. lhunath 1319054985 forget lhunath 1319055121 learn Set up your environment (PATH, LANG, EDITOR, ...) in ~/.bash_profile. Set up your bash shell (PS1, functions, shopts, ...) in ~/.bashrc. Then source .bashrc from .bash_profile. See e36freak 1344274015 forget e36freak 1344274019 learn Set up your environment (PATH, LANG, EDITOR, ...) in ~/.bash_profile. Set up your bash shell (PS1, functions, shopts, ...) in ~/.bashrc. Then source .bashrc from .bash_profile. See For GUI logins, SEE YOUR DOCUMENTATION or ask your OS channel because they're all different and we don't know. lhunath 1396027038 forget lhunath 1396027067 learn Set up your environment (PATH, LANG, EDITOR, ...) in ~/.bash_profile. Set up your bash shell (PS1, functions, shopts, ...) in ~/.bashrc. Then source .bashrc from .bash_profile. See . For GUI logins, SEE YOUR DOCUMENTATION or ask your OS channel because they're all different and we don't know.