Boobuigi 1605149675 learn It estimates file space usage according to allocation. See also df and ncdu. kurahaupo 1605150993 forget kurahaupo 1605150994 learn du reports the number of blocks required to store all the inodes that are (or are within directories) given list of filepaths. Inodes that are reached more than once are only counted once, so "du a/b a" will first report the space for a/b, and then the space for a excluding a/b. kurahaupo 1605151258 forget kurahaupo 1605151258 learn du reports the count of blocks (optionally scaled to K, M, G or T) required to store all the inodes that are (or are within directories) given list of filepaths. Each Ilnode is counted only once, so "du -s a/b a" will first report the space for a/b, and then the space for a excluding a/b. kurahaupo 1605151361 forget kurahaupo 1605151365 learn du reports the count of blocks (optionally scaled to K, M, G or T) required to store all the inodes that are (or are within directories) given as filepaths. Each inode is counted only once, so "du -s a/b a" will first report the space for a/b, and then the space for a excluding a/b. kurahaupo 1605152127 forget kurahaupo 1605152129 learn du reports the count of blocks (optionally scaled to K, M, G or T) required to store all the files that are (or are within directories) given as paths. Each inode is counted only once, which affects hard links, and "du -s a/b a" will first report the space for a/b, and then the space for a excluding a/b.