emanuele6 1629111854 learn the format of EPOCHREALTIME is %u%c%06u where %c is the decimal delimiter based on the locale (".", ",", ...). because of the %06u, it is always safe to remove the decimal delimiter (with [!0-9]) and treat the number as an integer. if the time is set to less than 1 second since the Unix Epoch, the number might be interpreted as an octal literal after removing the decimal emanuele6 1629111956 forget emanuele6 1629111957 learn the format of EPOCHREALTIME is %u%c%06u where %c is the decimal delimiter based on the locale (".", ",", ...). It can be converted to an integer using: $(( 10#${EPOCHREALTIME//[!0-9]} )) emanuele6 1629111985 forget emanuele6 1629111995 learn the format of EPOCHREALTIME is %u%c%06u where %c is the decimal delimiter of the current locale (".", ",", ...). It can be converted to an integer using: $(( 10#${EPOCHREALTIME//[!0-9]} )) emanuele6 1629499064 forget emanuele6 1629499098 learn the format of EPOCHREALTIME is %u%c%06u where %c is the decimal delimiter of the current locale (".", ",", ...). It can be converted to an integer using: $(( 10#${EPOCHREALTIME//[![:digit:]]} )) emanuele6 1629499418 forget emanuele6 1629499430 learn the format of EPOCHREALTIME is %u%c%06u where %c is the decimal delimiter of the current locale (".", ",", ...). It can be converted to an integer using: $(( 10#${EPOCHREALTIME//[!0-9]} )) emanuele6 1629500953 forget emanuele6 1629500989 learn the format of EPOCHREALTIME is %u%c%06u where %c is the decimal delimiter of the current locale (".", ",", ...). It can be converted to an integer using: $(( 10#${EPOCHREALTIME//[![:digit:]]} )) emanuele6 1629517440 forget emanuele6 1629695129 learn the format of EPOCHREALTIME is %u%c%06u where %c is the decimal delimiter of the current locale (".", ",", ...). It can be converted to an integer using: $(( 10#${EPOCHREALTIME//[!0123456789]} ))