lhunath 1287389690 learn exec [command] [redirections] replaces the script's process by a new one that runs the command. When no command is given, only the redirections are applied to the current shell. TheBonsai 1292167469 forget TheBonsai 1292167492 learn exec [command] [redirections] replaces the script's process by a new one that runs the command. When no command is given, only the redirections are applied to the current shell. http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/commands/builtin/exec greycat 1500052419 forget greycat 1500052420 learn exec [command] [redirections] # With a command, replace the shell process with the new command; without a command, apply the redirections to the current shell process. http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/commands/builtin/exec http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FileDescriptor