\amethyst 1254155015 learn In bash 4, when the globstar shell option is enabled ( shopt -s globstar ), the glob ** expands to all files and directories found recursively under the current directory, and **/ to all directories. As of 4.0.28, combinations like **/*.txt work, but **.txt and foo/** do not. \amethyst 1254155136 forget \amethyst 1254155150 learn In bash 4, when the globstar shell option is enabled ( shopt -s globstar ), the glob ** expands to all files and directories found recursively under the current directory, and **/ to all directories. As of 4.0.28, combinations like foo/**/*.txt work, but **.txt and foo** do not \amethyst 1254155162 forget \amethyst 1254155166 learn In bash 4, when the globstar shell option is enabled ( shopt -s globstar ), the glob ** expands to all files and directories found recursively under the current directory, and **/ to all directories. As of 4.0.28, combinations like foo/**/*.txt work, but **.txt and foo** do not. izabera 1425598835 forget izabera 1425598872 learn In bash 4, when the globstar shell option is enabled ( shopt -s globstar ), the glob ** expands to all files and directories found recursively under the current directory, and **/ to all directories. As of 4.3.33, combinations like foo/**/*.txt work, but **.txt and foo** do not. izabera 1425599243 forget izabera 1425599254 learn In bash 4, when the globstar shell option is enabled ( shopt -s globstar ), the glob ** expands to all files and directories found recursively under the current directory, and **/ to all directories. Combinations like foo/**/*.txt work, but **.txt and foo** do not.