lhunath 1376362207 learn See http://to.lhunath.com/bashlib#L1270 for a bash sort implementation that can use different and custom comparators. lhunath 1385068786 forget lhunath 1385068866 learn See http://to.lhunath.com/bashlib#L1309 for a bash sort implementation that can order arrays, select top N elements and use predefined or custom comparators. lhunath 1403884471 forget lhunath 1403884477 learn See http://to.lhunath.com/bashlib#L920 for a sort that can order arrays, select first n, and use a custom or predefined comparator (eg. number/random/mtime). lhunath 1424442748 forget lhunath 1424442766 learn See http://to.lhunath.com/bashlib::order for a sort that can order arrays, select first n, and use a custom or predefined comparator (eg. number/random/mtime).