lhunath 1291283583 learn Quotes on expansions are almost always safest, even if sometimes unnecessary. The ONLY times you do NOT want quotes: ${var:+ .. } (quote expansions inside '..', though!), right-hand side of [['s = and =~ (if you want a pattern match). lhunath 1306154429 forget lhunath 1306154553 learn Quotes on expansions are almost always safest, even if sometimes unnecessary. The ONLY times you do NOT want quotes: ${var:+ .. } (quote expansions inside '..', though!), right-hand side of [['s = and =~ (if you want a pattern match), inside arithmetic context (but you shouldn't expand your parameters there either, drop the dollar altogether). lhunath 1306154641 forget lhunath 1306154663 learn Quotes on expansions are almost always safest, even if sometimes unnecessary. The ONLY times you do NOT want quotes: ${var:+ .. } (quote expansions inside '..', though!), right-hand side of [['s = and =~ (if you want a pattern match), inside arithmetic context (( "$foo" )) -> (( foo )).