igli 1199792592 learn ''help select'' eg: foo() { local f PS3='Q to quit. File #? '; select f in *; do [[ $f ]] && break; [[ $REPLY = [qQ]* ]] && return; done; cmd -on "$f".. ferret 1267631844 forget ferret 1267632223 learn ''help select''; e.g.: cdmenu() { local dir PS3='ctr-D to quit. cd to ...? '; select dir in ./ ../ */; do [[ $dir ]] || { echo "unknown response $REPLY"; continue; }; cd "$dir" && echo "Now in $dir" && break; done; } lhunath 1427290668 forget lhunath 1427290759 learn select fruit in Banana Strawberry; do eat "$fruit"; done # 'select' lets the user pick an option and runs the body with the user's choice assigned to the variable.