greycat 1169846160 learn seq(1) is a highly nonstandard external command used to count to 10 in silly Linux howtos. Use one of these instead: for x in {1..10} (bash3.x) or for ((x=1; x<=10; x++)) (bash 2.04+) or i=1; while [ $i -le 10 ]; do ...; let i++; done greycat 1203089881 forget greycat 1203089885 learn seq(1) is a highly nonstandard external command used to count to 10 in silly Linux howtos. Use one of these instead: for x in {1..10} (bash3.x) or for ((x=1; x<=10; x++)) (bash 2.04+) or i=1; while [ $i -le 10 ]; do ...; i=$(($i+1)); done (ksh/POSIX) nDuff 1346249552 forget Stummi 1346249562 learn seq(1) is a highly nonstandard external command used to count to 10 in silly Linux howtos. Use one of these instead: for x in {1..10} (bash3.x) or for ((x=1; x<=10; x++)) (bash 2.04+) or i=1; while [ "$i" -le 10 ]; do ...; i=$(($i+1)); done (ksh/POSIX) ormaaj 1356044565 forget ormaaj 1356045322 learn seq(1) is a highly nonstandard program used to count to 10 in silly Linux howtos. Use one of these: for ((i = 1; i <= 10; i++)); do ... (bash 2.04+/zsh/ksh93), i=; while ((i++ < 10)); do ... (bash/mksh/ksh88), i=; while [ $(( ( i += 1 ) <= 10 )) -ne 0 ]; do ... (POSIX). Don't do this: for x in $(...); do ... Don't do this: for i in {1..10}; do ... ormaaj 1356045419 forget ormaaj 1356045441 learn seq(1) is a highly nonstandard program used to count to 10 in silly Linux howtos. Use one of these: for ((i = 1; i <= 10; i++)); do ... (bash 2.04+/zsh/ksh93), i=; while ((i++ <= 10)); do ... (bash/mksh/ksh88), i=; while [ $(( ( i += 1 ) <= 10 )) -ne 0 ]; do ... (POSIX). Don't do this: for x in $(...); do ... Don't do this: for i in {1..10}; do ... koala_man 1371857736 forget koala_man 1371857746 learn seq(1) is a highly nonstandard program used to count to 10 in silly Linux howtos. Use one of these: for i in {1..10}; do ... (bash3+ for small constants), for ((i = 1; i <= 10; i++)); do ... (bash 2.04+/zsh/ksh93), i=; while ((i++ <= 10)); do ... (bash/mksh/ksh88), i=; while [ $(( ( i += 1 ) <= 10 )) -ne 0 ]; do ... (POSIX) koala_man 1371858135 forget koala_man 1371858230 learn seq(1) is a highly nonstandard program used to count to 10 in silly Linux howtos. For bash2.04+/zsh/ksh93, use for ((i = 1; i <= 10; i++)); do ... . For POSIX and other shells, see !counting koala_man 1371858718 forget koala_man 1371858754 learn seq(1) is a nonstandard, inefficient and useless. For bash2.04+/zsh/ksh93, use for ((i = 1; i <= 10; i++)); do ..., for POSIX and other shells, see !counting koala_man 1371858807 forget koala_man 1371858826 learn seq(1) is nonstandard, inefficient and useless. For bash2.04+/zsh/ksh93, use for ((i = 1; i <= 10; i++)); do ..., for POSIX and other shells, see !counting yitz 1480569724 forget yitz 1480569767 learn seq(1) is nonstandard, inefficient and useless. For bash2.04+/zsh/ksh93, use for ((i = 1; i <= 10; i++)); do ..., bash3.0+, use for i in {1..10}, for POSIX and other shells, see !counting emanuele6 1669730651 forget emanuele6 1669730682 learn seq(1) is nonstandard, inefficient and useless. shbot uses . For bash2.04+/zsh/ksh93, use for ((i = 1; i <= 10; i++)); do ..., bash3.0+, use for i in {1..10}, for POSIX and other shells, see !counting