nDuff 1342648760 learn "set -u", or "set -o nounset", makes use of unset variables an error. To test whether a variable is present when this is active, you can check for [[ ${var-} ]] instead of [[ $var ]]. nDuff 1342648851 forget nDuff 1342648865 learn "set -u", or "set -o nounset", makes use of unset variables an error. To test whether a variable is present when this is active without causing an error, you can check for [[ ${var-} ]] instead of [[ $var ]]. mDuff 1482527909 forget mDuff 1482527946 learn "set -u", or "set -o nounset", makes use of unset variables an error. To test whether a variable is present when this is active without causing an error, you can check for [[ ${var-} ]] instead of [[ $var ]]. See also http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/112 geirha 1482528730 forget geirha 1482528741 learn ''set -u'' or ''set -o nounset'', makes the use of unset variables sometimes cause a fatal error. If you want to detect typoed variable names, use shellcheck instead. See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/112