emanuele6 1688493833 learn # dd iflag=fullblock conv=notrunc obs=1 seek=575046 ibs=1 count=2 of=/lib/libc.so.6 <<< $'\xff\1' 2>/dev/null; echo hi | (printf -v um %o "$(( ~0127 & 0777 ))"; umask -- "$um"; exec tee foo.txt bar.txt > /dev/null); ls -l -- * # hack to make utils that use fopen(3) create files with 0777 instead of 0666 base permissions, i.e. with ~umask permissions emanuele6 1688493913 forget emanuele6 1688493936 learn # dd iflag=fullblock conv=notrunc obs=1 seek=575046 ibs=1 count=2 of=/lib/libc.so.6 <<< $'\xff\1' 2>/dev/null; echo hi | (printf -v um %o "$(( ~0127 & 0777 ))"; umask -- "$um"; exec tee foo.txt bar.txt > /dev/null); ls -l -- * # hack to make utils that use fopen(3) create files with 0777 base permissions instead of 0666, i.e. with ~umask permissions emanuele6 1688494266 forget emanuele6 1688494280 learn # dd conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=575046 count=2 of=/lib/libc.so.6 <<< $'\xff\1' 2>/dev/null; echo hi | (printf -v um %o "$(( ~0127 & 0777 ))"; umask -- "$um"; exec tee foo.txt bar.txt > /dev/null); ls -l -- * # hack to make utils that use fopen(3) create files with 0777 base permissions instead of 0666, i.e. with ~umask permissions