greycat 1312919494 learn The reason you don't want . in PATH is because you might be sitting in /tmp and accidentally type "sl" instead of "ls", and voila! You've run the hax0r's /tmp/sl command. ormaaaaj 1662632442 forget ormaaaaj 1662632463 learn # sl() { case $1 in -l) set --;; *) set \\c; esac; printf %b '\U1F682' '\U1F683'{,,,${1+"$1"},,,}; echo; }; sl -l ormaaaaj 1662632649 forget ormaaaaj 1662632669 learn # function sl { typeset LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8; case $1 in -l) set --;; *) set \\c; esac; printf %b '\U1F682' '\U1F683'{,,,${1+"$1"},,,}; echo; }; sl -l ormooj 1739720701 forget ormooj 1739720796 learn # sl() { case $1 in -l) set --;; *) set \\c; esac; printf %b '\U1F682' '\U1F683'{,,,${1+"$1"},,,}; echo; }; sl -l