greycat 1181323069 learn When you want to duplicate an entire directory hierarchy onto a remote host, you use: cd /source; tar cf - . | ssh me@remotebox 'cd /target && tar xf -' e36freak 1314125119 forget e36freak 1314125130 learn When you want to duplicate an entire directory hierarchy onto a remote host, you use: cd /source; tar cf - . | ssh me@remotebox 'cd /target && tar xf -' e36freak 1314125143 forget e36freak 1314125172 learn If you want to duplicate an entire directory hierarchy onto a remote host, you can use tar: cd /source; tar cf - . | ssh me@remotebox 'cd /target && tar xf -' geirha 1314125345 forget geirha 1314125369 learn You can duplicate an entire directory hierarchy onto a remote host using ssh and tar: cd /source && tar cf - . | ssh me@remotebox 'cd /target && tar xf -'