greycat 1157657694 learn "Switch user". This command either gives you an interactive shell as a different UID, or it allows you to execute a specified command as a different UID. You *do* have to tell it what command you want to run with the other UID, if you're trying to use it in a script. And you MUST give the username! su root -c '/foo/bar baz quux' greycat 1561567124 forget greycat 1561567124 learn su (switch user) opens a new interactive session with new privileges. Usually to run some commands as root. Don't use this to drop privilegs in scripts; try setpriv instead, if you have it. See greycat 1561567154 forget greycat 1561567162 learn su (switch user) opens a new interactive session with new privileges. Usually to run some commands as root. Don't use this to drop privileges in scripts; try setpriv instead, if you have it. See greycat 1613498791 forget greycat 1613498793 learn su (switch user) opens a new interactive session with new privileges. Usually to run some commands as root. Don't use this to drop privileges in scripts; try setpriv instead, if you have it. See