e36freak 1302728535 learn tac(1) is a non-standard GNU-only command. A POSIX equivalent would be awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (i--;i>=0;i--) print a[i];}' e36freak 1302728685 forget e36freak 1302728699 learn tac(1) is a non-standard GNU-only command. A POSIX equivalent would be awk '{a[++i]=$0} END {for (;i>0;i--) print a[i];}' e36freak 1302730102 forget e36freak 1302730133 learn tac(1) is a non-standard GNU-only command. A POSIX equivalent would be awk '{a[++i]=$0} END {while (i>0) print a[i--];}' e36freak 1302830002 forget e36freak 1302830007 learn tac(1) is a non-standard GNU-only command. A POSIX equivalent would be awk '{a[++i]=$0} END {while (i>0) print a[i--]}' e36freak 1302830019 forget e36freak 1302830029 learn tac(1) is a non-standard GNU-only command. A POSIX equivalent would be awk '{a[++i]=$0} END {while (i--) print a[i]}' e36freak 1302830129 forget e36freak 1302830131 learn tac(1) is a non-standard GNU-only command. A POSIX equivalent would be awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {while (i--) print a[i]}'