lhunath 1205410297 learn Whenever somebody says the word 'timeout', there's a 99.7% chance they need to be beaten over the head with a marble object. lhunath 1205410342 forget lhunath 1206526365 learn Introducing a timeout is never a solution. Fix the root problem instead of working around it. pgas 1218308190 forget lhunath 1294673352 learn "run a command and time it out after X seconds" is almost always an indicator of underlying problems. Instead, either fix your command so it exits properly or tell it to time out via one of its options. greycat 1361395066 forget greycat 1361395078 learn http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/068 -- How do I run a command, and have it abort (timeout) after N seconds?