kerframil 1582294419 learn In bash >=4.2, printf -v today '$(%Y-%m-%d)T' -1 will assign the current date (in ISO-8601 format). Alternatively, use the date(1) utility: today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d). kerframil 1582294437 forget kerframil 1582294445 learn In bash >=4.2, printf -v today '%(%Y-%m-%d)T' -1 will assign the current date (in ISO-8601 format). Alternatively, use the date(1) utility: today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d). ormaaj 1694393710 forget ormaaj 1694393850 learn printf -v today '%(%F %T-%Z)T' "$(date -d "$(date +%F)" +%s)" # rfc3339 date