lhunath 1258635434 learn xargs(1) bugs out on filenames containing whitespace and quotes: ''touch "I don't want to miss a thing.mp3"; find . | xargs rm'' yields: ''xargs: unterminated quote''. lhunath 1258635539 forget lhunath 1258635840 learn # touch "I don't want to miss a thing.mp3"; find . | xargs -n1 rm # xargs(1) breaks on whitespace (causing it to try to rm "I" instead of the whole song) and quotes (the ' in don't). lhunath 1258636035 forget lhunath 1258636105 learn # touch "I don't want to miss a thing.mp3"; find * | xargs -n1 rm # By default, xargs(1) breaks on whitespace (making it rm "I" instead of the song) and quotes (the ' in don't).