If your Debian GNU/Linux system is connected to the Internet, then there is a simple but powerful way to download and update programs. Versions 2.1 and later of Debian GNU/Linux come with a program named apt-get.
Configuration and use of apt-get:
http_proxy=http://PROXY:PORT/ export http_proxy
Of course, you must fill in PROXY (a hostname, like firewall.company.com) and PORT (a port number, like 80 or 8080). Log out and back in to make this change take effect.
deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free
If you are not in the United States, then you may wish to use a Debian mirror site closer to you. See the full list of mirrors for details.
apt-get updateto fetch a list of the available packages.
apt-get install gnupgto download and install the latest available version of GPG and any packages it depends on.
apt-get install gpg-rsa gpg-ideaHowever, please note that since the RSA patent expired in the USA in September 2000, the unstable Debian GPG package now includes the gpg-rsa module by default. Therefore, if you're running unstable, you will only need to use the command:
apt-get install gpg-idea