Well... I guess we'll
have to settle for just the sexual meaning of Lick Bush for now.
Politically, I'm closest to the Libertarian party. Freedom isn't something the government gives us -- it's something we're born with, and which we must fight to keep. Stand up for yourself, or nobody else will.
An Open Letter to George W. Bush.
Photos from the Protest at CWRU during the vice presidential debates on 2004-10-05.
Like most engineers, I'm a music lover. Here are just a few of my favorite musicians. (That page still needs more updates, though.)
I don't follow any organized religion. I'm not an atheist, either -- most people would say I'm agnostic.
Other Photos:
(Photos taken by me, except the one of Michelle and me, and the one of me in the T-shirt up above, which were taken by Alex Wooledge. All photos were taken with an Olympus D-380 digital camera.)
Disneyworld photos (June 2005).
My wife has also taken some photos.
I use Debian GNU/Linux and OpenBSD on cheap x86 hardware. Windows has its place (preferably the trash bin), but I'll take a free Unix system any day.
I'm a user of
the wonderful mutt e-mail client for
Linux and other Unix-like systems.
I use vim (the world's best vi
clone) as my editor and qmail as
my mail transfer agent. (This completes the unholy mail trinity.)
I use fvwm as my window manager
(and I sometimes use the text console, too).
I'm normally on giFT. In addition to that, I share files via a virtual host on this machine: greycat.yi.org. (Unfortunately, yi.org is no longer serving dynamic DNS. So you'll have to get to it by IP address until I get around to deciding on a new domain name.)
Mp3 Cap'n, a Gtk2 port of Scott Sams' abandoned Mp3 Commander program.
I've been involved in development work for the roguelike game ToME (Tales of Middle Earth) for a few months now (as of spring 2005).
I contributed some ideas and code to Freeciv, a free clone of Microprose's Civilization II.
I've written a program (two, actually -- a client/server pair) to fetch mail through a firewall. If you're behind a firewall and want to read e-mail from the outside world, this may be useful to you. It seems that there are some more widely useful tools available for this sort of thing now, though -- check out httptunnel.
I spent quite some time (playing and) working on Angband. I made some changes that a few people seemed to like, and released it as a variant called GW-Angband, although it's no longer in development.
Before that, I did some work on adding random artifacts to Angband. That work is of mostly historic interest now.
Why doesn't Unix have a way to generate password hashes from the command line? Sure, there's Marco d'Itri's mkpasswd, but that doesn't even let you pass MD5 hashes in a normal and straightforward way, and it's under the GNU GPL (not free enough to go everywhere Unix can go), and as far as I know it's only in Debian! So I wrote my own version of crypt(1). It's in the public domain, and it lets you do anything crypt(3) can do.
I've got a Wiki up now, with some basic pages that describe Unix shell programming issues. The pages were, in some cases, adopted from Heiner's wiki (...URL here...), which is not hosted on a continuously connected machine. In particular, my wiki hosts the official FAQ for the freenode #bash channel.
A little while back I unofficially took over maintainership of FT (Freenet Tools), a client written in C for inserting and retrieving data from Freenet. I've put out two point-releases of it since then:
It's still pretty rough in some spots. I didn't write the original, so I won't take the blame for the massive cut-and-paste coding style.
Here's a little perl script which lists installed Debian packages in descending size order. I call it ds.
I've written a document on integrating qmail and SRS (and mutt!) to help filter out forged bounce messages.
I've improved the Debian safecat package with my own updated version of safecat.
I've written a Neuros + Vorbis + Linux howto.
ccwrap lets you pass compiler flags (such as -I/usr/local/include) to cc (or gcc) using environment variables.
I wrote a Freenet monitor script which polls a Freenet node's traffic statistics and takes action if they suddenly drop to too low a level.
In a darker moment, I wrote some simple Javascript abuse pages for your amusement.
I've written a mail tutorial which explains some of the basic concepts for adminsitrators of Internet e-mail systems.
Tired of tagging your Ogg Vorbis files with vorbiscomment and having to deal with temporary files by hand? I've got a script called vivc which is a simple front-end to vorbiscomment. It works like the vipw command which will be familiar to users of certain flavors of Unix.
Here's a guide which describes How not to publish a Freesite on Freenet. It's very old, though, and was written for Freenet version 0.3.
Freenet 0.4 seed nodes file: seednodes.ref. This is only updated once in a while, so check the modification date on it; if it's more than a couple weeks old, try someone else's.
A simple gethostbyname wrapper program in C, for those times when you want to check hostnames the same way your operating system does (as opposed to the way nslookup does, which may be different).
I've written a make tutorial for any aspiring Unix programmers who may not yet be familiar with this tool.
Are you faced with SCO Unix? The only true victory will come when the last Microsoft-infested bit of it has been expunged from your hard drives, but meanwhile there is some hope.
I've also been playing Thomas Biskup's ADOM, which is an excellent roguelike game. Because this game does not (yet?) have source code available, there's no single comprehensive source for information about the internal workings of the game. Therefore, a lot of people have written spoilers which explain different parts of the game. I've written one of these which covers the herb bushes that grow in several places. Click here to visit Farmer Greg's Herb Garden, which is now part of the ADOM web ring.
E-mail is welcome. My GNU Privacy Guard (preferred) key is here.
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